
How to Install a Whole-house Surge Protector in Your Home?

If you live in an old house, the chances are that your home either doesn’t have any grounding or the two-pronged plugs are without any grounding wire. These arrangements can’t protect your expensive gadgets from the power surge. And do you know a power surge can damage your multiple electronic gadgets in few minutes? However, [...]

Whole house Surge Protector: All You Need To Know

Do you know that a power surge lasts for only a few millionths of a second? But it carries thousands of volts to fry your circuit boards and ruin your expensive electronic appliances. That is why surge protection is non-negotiable. Two approaches work as surge suppressors. Either you can install a whole-house surge protector, or [...]

Step-by-step Guide on How to Replace the Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker trips for many reasons, e.g., short circuit, overloading of the circuit, ground fault problem, or wiring issues. It may also get weak and trip or fail due to wear and tear of daily load. So what if there comes a need to replace your circuit breaker? We are here to educate you [...]

What is a Surge Protector & How it Helps With Power Surges?

A modern home is equipped with the latest electronic items for our convenience. But with new electronic devices coming up in the market, different electrical safety concerns are also elevating. The power surge is one of them! It happens when a sudden and acute power spike occurs in the electric connection of your home. It [...]

Aluminum Wiring: Is It Hazardous & What To Do If You Have Aluminum Wiring In Your House?

While buying a house, you discuss the interiors, furniture, fixture, and other utilities. But did you ever give a thought to what kind of electrical wiring is spread across your house? Although wrong electrical wiring is a potential life hazard, you often underestimate it. When was Aluminum Wiring Used? Electrical wiring is ideally done with [...]

Electrical Wire Color Codes: All You Need To Know

Before starting any wiring project, it is possible to identify the purposes of the different house electrical wiring if you understand the diverse electrical wire colors and their code. These electrical color codes specify the function of each wire in a given circuit. The wiring colors differentiate ideally between the hot, neutral, or ground wires. [...]

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